Scale Fisher
List and Compare and Play every musical scale*,
Then Add your Own if you like.

Scale Fisher is a tool to help musicians quickly learn and recognize the many scales and modes of the Western musical system without having to know anything about notes or music theory.

*(Limited to variations within the 12 tone chromatic scale system.)

Scale Fisher
This program and it's contents including the ScaleFisher icon are the property of, except for the Python MIDI code, which was contributed by Soon Wah.

This program is donation-ware, so feel free to use it and share with your friends. If you want to send me money, I'll take it, but if not, just send an email letting me know you like it. Just don't tweak it for nefarous purposes or claim it as your own work, or... or... Well, if you do, send me a fat royalty check someday.

Click here to view Screenshot
Click for a larger image
Scale Fisher was written in Python and tested on Windows XP.
It's works great for me. Your milage may vary.
There is no implied warranty or claims attached to this program.
(But it is pretty cool)
Download ScaleFisher Here (3MB)